Vendor Availability

For all information about Vendor Spots contact the Business directly. They can be found via Facebook or a Google search. Any questions go to the left side and fill out the "Contact" form!

Business Name - Description - Location - Type of Space and Cost


  • Wild Annie's Antique Boutique - Multi Vendor Shop featuring a variety of items new to antique - Ark City - Space available $45-115 +10% of total sales
  • Reimagined Local Artisans and Vintage Treasures Shop - art and vintage shop - Belle Plaine - Space available 
  • Hidden Gem - Boutique - Derby - Space available 
  • Ellis Island Farm - Multi Vendor Shop featuring a variety of items produce to jewelry - Belle Plaine - Space available

Reoccurring events:

  • 1st Saturday
  • 2nd Saturday 
  • 3rd Saturday
    • Belle Plaine
      • Reimagined Local Artisans and Vintage Treasures Shop - Outside spots available
      • Ellis Island Farm  - Inside/Outside spots available

One time events: 


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